Our Portfolio
Publications - Books
• Titova S. Digital technologies in Language Classroom: theory and practice. Editus, Moscow, 2017.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Mobile Technologies and Devices in Language Classroom. Moscow, LMSU, 2013.
• Titova S., Filatova A. Web 2.0 in Foreign Language Teaching. Moscow, P-Centre, 2010.
• Titova S. England and the English. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2009.
• Titova S. IT in English Language Teaching: Theory and Practice. Moscow, P-Centre, 2009.
• Titova S. Introduction to American Regional Studies. Moscow, Intelbook, 2009.
• Titova S. Our England is a garden. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. Wine and Cakes for Gentlemen. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. Great British Tea. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. England-Russia. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. The Internet Resources and Services in ESL Teaching. Moscow, 2003.
• Titova S. Studies in American Literature. Moscow, MSU, 2000.
• Titova S. Brush up your grammar. Moscow, P-Centre, 1999.
Publications - Articles
• Titova S., Chikrizova K. Gamification in language learning: psychological and methodological potential (in Russian)//Педагогика и психология образования, (Москва), 2019, № 1, с. 135-152
• Titova S., Kotkova K. Methodological principles of mobile classroom design (in Russian)//Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19: Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация, Изд-во Моск. ун-та (М.), 2019, № 2, с. 103-113
• Titova S. Principles of online course design //Вопросы методики преподавания в вузе, 2018, том 7, № 24, с. 93-99
• Titova S., Kharlamenko I. Information and communication technology competence of foreign language teachers: structure, levels, ways of development // Foreign Languages at School, Moscow, 2018. #8. Pp. 2-7. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Technological characteristics, didactic characteristics and didactic potential of wikis // Language. Translation. Culture. Communication. Collection of Scientific Papers. Issue 2. Moscow. 2018. Pp. 510-513. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Algorithm of collaborative writing and peer assessment // Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference “Language discourse in social practice”. 6-7 April 2018, Tver State University, 2018. Pp. 213-219. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Aleksandrova K. The theoretical principles of open educational resources integration in language classroom // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2018. # 3, р. 26-41 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Danilina E. The model of mobile-supported organization of assessment and evaluation of student writing skills// Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2017. V. 35-42. P. 38-49 (in Russian) DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2018-23-172-35-42
• Titova S. The use of MOOC as a means of creating a collaborative learning environment in a blended CLIL course// "CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017”. Ed. By Kate Borthwick, Linda Bradley, Sylvie Thouësny. Research-publishing.net. 2017, p. 306-311, Article DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2017.eurocall2017.731
• Titova S., Samoylenko O. An Enquiry-Based Approach to Develop Language Skills in Mobile-Supported Classrooms// Journal of Language and Education, 2017, 3(3), p. 39-49, DOI: 10.17323/2411-7390-2017-3-3-39-49
• Titova S., Kharlamenko I. The method of group essay writing and peer-evaluation for developing writing skills // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2017. # 3, р. 26-41 (in Russian)
• Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating collaboration environment and a new educational design of the university lecture/ Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, NY. 2017, p. 401-420, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4944-6_20
• Kharlamenko I., Nokhrina V. Criteria for assessing oral English exam at B2 level (biology students) // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2018. #2. Pp. 102-109. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I., Rukin M. Interactivity in educational process // Modern information technologies and IT-education / Materials of XII international conference – Moscow: MSU, 2017. Pp. 107-114. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Kharlamenko I. Collaborative writing and peer assessment in teaching writing skills // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2017. #3. Pp. 26-40. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Attendance of seminars in traditional and blended forms of education // Higher education in Russia. Moscow, 2017. #8. Pp. 50-56. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Wikis as a Tool for an Online Course // ELEARNING STAKEHOLDERS AND RESEARCHERS SUMMIT 2017. Moscow, Higher School of Economics. Pp. 29-35. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Wikis as a platform for interactive tasks in foreign language teaching // Proceedings of IX International scientific-practical conference “Language discourse in social practice”. May 2017, Moscow Pedagogical State University, 2017. Pp. 39-45. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Conditions for effective integration of wiki technology in the process of foreign language teaching // Professional Education.Capital, Moscow, 2017. #8. Pp. 47-48. (in Russian)
• Titova S. Mobile Testing System for developing language skills. Encyclopedia of information science and technology / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, editor. Fourth edition. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, ch. 444, p. 5116-5126, 2017 DOI 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3
• Titova S. Control and evaluation in a language classroom by means of mobile applications //Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2017. # 1. P.24-35. (in Russian)
• Titova S. The model of mobile teaching of foreign languages// Pedagogics and psychology of education, Moscow. 2017, # 1.P. 123-134. (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I., Gladysheva A. Causes of face-to-face class truancy // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 20. Pedagogical Education, Moscow, MSU, 2017. #1. P. 111-120. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Samoylenko O. The structure of ICT competence of language teachers in universities //Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2017. # 3. P. 38-49 (in Russian) DOI 10.20310/1810-0201-2017-22-3(167)-39-48
• Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating collaboration environment and a new educational design of the university lecture//Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, NY. 2017. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4944-6_20
• Kharlamenko I. Using wiki-technologies as a tool for creating collaborative glossary of special terms by science students // Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, 2016, vol. 21, # 11 (163). P. 73-81. (in Russian) DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-11(163)-73-81
• Titova S. Pedagogical problems of mobile technologies integration in educational process//Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2016. # 7-8. P. 7-15 (in Russian) DOI:10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-7/8(159/160)-7-14
• Titova S. Massive online open courses in Russian education: a myth or reality?//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2016. # 1.P. 53-62 (in Russian)
• Titova S. Development and realization of web projects by means of mobile technologies //Foreign languages in schools, Moscow, 2016. P. 2-7 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile voting systems for creating collaboration environment and getting immediate feedback// Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference USA. 2016. Ch. 109, Pp. 2141-2148 doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8789-9
• Titova S., Samoylenko O. Pedagogical potential of mobile voting tools to design an interactive university lecture// EDULEARN16 Proceedings: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4th-6th July, 2016, Barcelona, SPAIN, 2016. P. 8787-8777 doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.0092
• Titova S. Development and integration of audio-visual assignments in educational process: digital story and augmented reality // Teacher, Student, Texbook. Materials of VIII international scientific conference. 2016. P. 514-520 (in Russian)
• Titova S. MOOC in Russian education// Higher Education in Russia, # 12. 2015. Pp. 145-151 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T. The model of interactive lecture // Higher Education in Russia, # 2. 2015. Pp. 126-135 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T. Development of an interactive lecture model using mobile voting apps // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2015. # 3.P. 49-63 (in Russian)
• Kharlamenko I. Use of wiki-site for developing writing skills of science students//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2015. #3. P. 64-72 (in Russian)
• Titova S. The use of Mobile testing system PeLe for developing language skills. Critical CALL//Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Research-publishing.net, Padova, Italy. P. 523-529 Article DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.000387 Book DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.9781908416292
• Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating a new educational design of the university lecture. "CALL Design: Principles and Practice - Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands". Ed. by Sake Jager, Linda Bradley, Estelle J. Meima, and Sylvie Thouësny. Research-publishing.net. Dublin, Ireland, 2014, P. 374-379. doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2014.000248.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Teachers' ICT competence and mobile technologies integration in foreign language learning. Higher Education in Russia.№ 8. 2014. Pp. 162-167.
• Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile technologies for creating an interactive lecture//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2015, 3 р 49-63.
• Titova S. Teaching 'mobile natives' in Russia: challenges and perspectives in T. Pattison (ed.), IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections. Kent: IATEFL, 176-178, 2014.
• Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile voting systems for creating collaboration environment and getting immediate feedback: a new curriculum model of a university lecture. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 6(2), 2014.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Teachers' ICT competence and mobile technologies integration in foreign language learning. Higher Education in Russia. 8. 2014. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Mobile Tools in Language Classroom: analysis of Russian and Norwegian Teachers' experience. Selections of Scientific Papers. Issue 10. Moscow: University book, 2013. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T., Avramenko A. Language Acquisition through Mobile Technologies: a new fad or an unavoidable necessity? Proceedings of EDULEARN13 Conference. Barcelona, 2013.
• Avramenko A. Mobile learning_stages of development and modern tendences. Nauchnie vedomosti BelGU. #6, 149. 2013.
• Titova S. Promoting Professional Development Of Foreign Language Teachers In ICT In Russia. Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
• Titova S. Developing of ICT Competence of Language Teachers through an Online Professional Development Course in Moodle: Strategies and Challenges. Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
• Ilyahov M. Challenging the Digital Natives with Web Quests in Teaching Area and Culture Studies, INTED2012 Proceedings, pp. 5131-5140.
• Avramenko A. Mobile podcasts and videocasts in language teaching//Languages in Open Society, International Conference, Shevchenko Chernigov National Pedagogical University, 19-20 October 2012 - Chernigov, 2012.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Evolution of technology in language teaching from computer to smartphone//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2012. # 4.
• Titova S. Mobile Learning: perspectives and strategies //Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2012. # 1.
• Titova S. Developing of ICT Competence of language teachers through an Online professional development course in Moodle: strategies and challenges//Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. 2nd-4th July 2012, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-695-3491-5, Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
• Titova S. Didactic potentials and Functions of Wiki technology//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2011. #3.
• Titova S. The structure of ICT competence of language teachers and new educational standards of Higher Education//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2011. #4.
• Titova S. Types and didactic characteristics of the Internet Communicative Tools// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2010. #3.
• Titova S. Technological, social and educational characteristics of Web 2.0//ICT in Foreign Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication. IV International Scientific Conference. 4-5 June 2010. Moscow, CentralUchebFilm.
• Titova S. Social services in ESL Teaching// IT in Education. Moscow, Krasnaya Zvezda, 2008, #16, p. 8-10.
• Filatova A. Web 2.0 services and platforms: social and didactic characteristics// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2008. #3.
• Titova S. Integration of ICT into Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice//Materials of II International Conference IT in FL Teaching. Moscow, MSU. 2006.
• Titova S. Traditional textbook or Dynamic Program in Cultural Studies?// Materials of II International Conference Foreign Languages in Distance Education. 6-7 February 2006, Perm.
• Titova S. Development of Intercultural Competence by means of Visualization of Information// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2006, #3.
• Titova S. Some theoretical problems of ICT use in ESL teaching// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2005, #4.
• Titova S. Web-projects as a new learning activity: structure, types, importance in FL teaching// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2003. #3.
• Titova S. Dynamic Syllabus as a Sample of ICT integration into teaching process// Materials of International Conference Russia vs West: Dialogue of Cultures. Moscow, 28-30 November 2001,Moscow. 2002.