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Publications - Books

• Titova S. Digital technologies in Language Classroom: theory and practice. Editus, Moscow, 2017.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Mobile Technologies and Devices in Language Classroom. Moscow, LMSU, 2013.
• Titova S., Filatova A. Web 2.0 in Foreign Language Teaching. Moscow, P-Centre, 2010.
• Titova S. England and the English. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2009.
• Titova S. IT in English Language Teaching: Theory and Practice. Moscow, P-Centre, 2009.
• Titova S. Introduction to American Regional Studies. Moscow, Intelbook, 2009.
• Titova S. Our England is a garden. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. Wine and Cakes for Gentlemen. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. Great British Tea. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. England-Russia. Video Activity Book. Moscow University Press, 2005.
• Titova S. The Internet Resources and Services in ESL Teaching. Moscow, 2003.
• Titova S. Studies in American Literature. Moscow, MSU, 2000.
• Titova S. Brush up your grammar. Moscow, P-Centre, 1999.

Publications - Articles

Titova S., Chikrizova K. Gamification in language learning: psychological and methodological potential (in Russian)//Педагогика и психология образования, (Москва), 2019, № 1, с. 135-152
Titova S., Kotkova K. Methodological principles of mobile classroom design (in Russian)//Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19: Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация, Изд-во Моск. ун-та (М.), 2019, № 2, с. 103-113
Titova S. Principles of online course design //Вопросы методики преподавания в вузе, 2018, том 7, № 24, с. 93-99
Titova S., Kharlamenko I. Information and communication technology competence of foreign language teachers: structure, levels, ways of development // Foreign Languages at School, Moscow, 2018. #8. Pp. 2-7. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Technological characteristics, didactic characteristics and didactic potential of wikis // Language. Translation. Culture. Communication. Collection of Scientific Papers. Issue 2. Moscow. 2018. Pp. 510-513. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Algorithm of collaborative writing and peer assessment // Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference “Language discourse in social practice”. 6-7 April 2018, Tver State University, 2018. Pp. 213-219. (in Russian)
Titova S., Aleksandrova K. The theoretical principles of open educational resources integration in language classroom // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2018. # 3, р. 26-41 (in Russian)
Titova S., Danilina E. The model of mobile-supported organization of assessment and evaluation of student writing skills// Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2017. V. 35-42. P. 38-49 (in Russian) DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2018-23-172-35-42
Titova S. The use of MOOC as a means of creating a collaborative learning environment in a blended CLIL course// "CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017”. Ed. By Kate Borthwick, Linda Bradley, Sylvie Thouësny. Research-publishing.net. 2017, p. 306-311, Article DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2017.eurocall2017.731
Titova S., Samoylenko O. An Enquiry-Based Approach to Develop Language Skills in Mobile-Supported Classrooms// Journal of Language and Education, 2017, 3(3), p. 39-49, DOI: 10.17323/2411-7390-2017-3-3-39-49
Titova S., Kharlamenko I. The method of group essay writing and peer-evaluation for developing writing skills // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2017. # 3, р. 26-41 (in Russian)
Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating collaboration environment and a new educational design of the university lecture/ Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, NY. 2017, p. 401-420, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4944-6_20
Kharlamenko I., Nokhrina V. Criteria for assessing oral English exam at B2 level (biology students) // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2018. #2. Pp. 102-109. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I., Rukin M. Interactivity in educational process // Modern information technologies and IT-education / Materials of XII international conference – Moscow: MSU, 2017. Pp. 107-114. (in Russian)
Titova S., Kharlamenko I. Collaborative writing and peer assessment in teaching writing skills // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2017. #3. Pp. 26-40. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Attendance of seminars in traditional and blended forms of education // Higher education in Russia. Moscow, 2017. #8. Pp. 50-56. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Wikis as a Tool for an Online Course // ELEARNING STAKEHOLDERS AND RESEARCHERS SUMMIT 2017. Moscow, Higher School of Economics. Pp. 29-35. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Wikis as a platform for interactive tasks in foreign language teaching // Proceedings of IX International scientific-practical conference “Language discourse in social practice”. May 2017, Moscow Pedagogical State University, 2017. Pp. 39-45. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Conditions for effective integration of wiki technology in the process of foreign language teaching // Professional Education.Capital, Moscow, 2017. #8. Pp. 47-48. (in Russian)
Titova S. Mobile Testing System for developing language skills. Encyclopedia of information science and technology / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, editor. Fourth edition. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, ch. 444, p. 5116-5126, 2017  DOI 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3
• Titova S. Control and evaluation in a language classroom by means of mobile applications //Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2017. # 1. P.24-35. (in Russian)
Titova S. The model of mobile teaching of foreign languages// Pedagogics and psychology of education, Moscow. 2017, # 1.P. 123-134. (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I., Gladysheva A. Causes of face-to-face class truancy // The Moscow University Bulletin. Series 20. Pedagogical Education, Moscow, MSU, 2017. #1. P. 111-120. (in Russian)
• Titova S., Samoylenko O. The structure of ICT competence of language teachers in universities //Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2017. # 3. P. 38-49 (in Russian) DOI 10.20310/1810-0201-2017-22-3(167)-39-48
Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating collaboration environment and a new educational design of the university lecture//Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies, SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, NY. 2017. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-4944-6_20
Kharlamenko I. Using wiki-technologies as a tool for creating collaborative glossary of special terms by science students // Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, 2016, vol. 21, # 11 (163). P. 73-81. (in Russian) DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-11(163)-73-81
Titova S. Pedagogical problems of mobile technologies integration in educational process//Vestnik of Tambov University, Human sciences, Tambov. 2016. # 7-8. P. 7-15 (in Russian) DOI:10.20310/1810-0201-2016-21-7/8(159/160)-7-14
• Titova S. Massive online open courses in Russian education: a myth or reality?//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2016. # 1.P. 53-62 (in Russian)
• Titova S. Development and realization of web projects by means of mobile technologies //Foreign languages in schools, Moscow, 2016. P. 2-7 (in Russian)
Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile voting systems for creating collaboration environment and getting immediate feedback// Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference USA. 2016. Ch. 109, Pp. 2141-2148 doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8789-9
Titova S., Samoylenko O. Pedagogical potential of mobile voting tools to design an interactive university lecture// EDULEARN16 Proceedings: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4th-6th July, 2016, Barcelona, SPAIN, 2016. P. 8787-8777 doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.0092
• Titova S. Development and integration of audio-visual assignments in educational process: digital story and augmented reality // Teacher, Student, Texbook. Materials of VIII international scientific conference. 2016. P. 514-520 (in Russian)
• Titova S. MOOC in Russian education// Higher Education in Russia, # 12. 2015. Pp. 145-151 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T. The model of interactive lecture // Higher Education in Russia, # 2. 2015. Pp. 126-135 (in Russian)
• Titova S., Talmo T. Development of an interactive lecture model using mobile voting apps // Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2015. # 3.P. 49-63 (in Russian)
Kharlamenko I. Use of wiki-site for developing writing skills of science students//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2015. #3. P. 64-72 (in Russian)
Titova S. The use of Mobile testing system PeLe for developing language skills. Critical CALL//Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Research-publishing.net, Padova, Italy. P. 523-529 Article DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.000387 Book DOI: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.9781908416292
Titova S. Mobile voting tools for creating a new educational design of the university lecture. "CALL Design: Principles and Practice - Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands". Ed. by Sake Jager, Linda Bradley, Estelle J. Meima, and Sylvie Thouësny. Research-publishing.net. Dublin, Ireland, 2014, P. 374-379. doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2014.000248.
Titova S., Avramenko A. Teachers' ICT competence and mobile technologies integration in foreign language learning. Higher Education in Russia.№ 8. 2014. Pp. 162-167.
Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile technologies for creating an interactive lecture//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2015, 3 р 49-63.
Titova S. Teaching 'mobile natives' in Russia: challenges and perspectives in T. Pattison (ed.), IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections. Kent: IATEFL, 176-178, 2014.
Titova S., Talmo T. Mobile voting systems for creating collaboration environment and getting immediate feedback: a new curriculum model of a university lecture. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 6(2), 2014.
Titova S., Avramenko A. Teachers' ICT competence and mobile technologies integration in foreign language learning. Higher Education in Russia. 8. 2014. (in Russian)
Titova S., Avramenko A. Mobile Tools in Language Classroom: analysis of Russian and Norwegian Teachers' experience. Selections of Scientific Papers. Issue 10. Moscow: University book, 2013. (in Russian)
Titova S., Talmo T., Avramenko A. Language Acquisition through Mobile Technologies: a new fad or an unavoidable necessity? Proceedings of EDULEARN13 Conference. Barcelona, 2013.
Avramenko A. Mobile learning_stages of development and modern tendences. Nauchnie vedomosti BelGU. #6, 149. 2013.
Titova S. Promoting Professional Development Of Foreign Language Teachers In ICT In Russia. Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
Titova S. Developing of ICT Competence of Language Teachers through an Online Professional Development Course in Moodle: Strategies and Challenges. Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
Ilyahov M. Challenging the Digital Natives with Web Quests in Teaching Area and Culture Studies, INTED2012 Proceedings, pp. 5131-5140.
Avramenko A. Mobile podcasts and videocasts in language teaching//Languages in Open Society, International Conference, Shevchenko Chernigov National Pedagogical University, 19-20 October 2012 - Chernigov, 2012.
• Titova S., Avramenko A. Evolution of technology in language teaching from computer to smartphone//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2012. # 4.
Titova S. Mobile Learning: perspectives and strategies //Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2012. # 1.
Titova S. Developing of ICT Competence of language teachers through an Online professional development course in Moodle: strategies and challenges//Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference. 2nd-4th July 2012, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-695-3491-5, Barcelona, IATED, 2012.
Titova S. Didactic potentials and Functions of Wiki technology//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2011. #3.
Titova S. The structure of ICT competence of language teachers and new educational standards of Higher Education//Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2011. #4.
Titova S. Types and didactic characteristics of the Internet Communicative Tools// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2010. #3.
Titova S. Technological, social and educational characteristics of Web 2.0//ICT in Foreign Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication. IV International Scientific Conference. 4-5 June 2010. Moscow, CentralUchebFilm.
Titova S. Social services in ESL Teaching// IT in Education. Moscow, Krasnaya Zvezda, 2008, #16, p. 8-10.
Filatova A. Web 2.0 services and platforms: social and didactic characteristics// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2008. #3.
Titova S. Integration of ICT into Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice//Materials of II International Conference IT in FL Teaching. Moscow, MSU. 2006.
Titova S. Traditional textbook or Dynamic Program in Cultural Studies?// Materials of II International Conference Foreign Languages in Distance Education. 6-7 February 2006, Perm.
Titova S. Development of Intercultural Competence by means of Visualization of Information// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2006, #3.
Titova S. Some theoretical problems of ICT use in ESL teaching// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU, 2005, #4.
Titova S. Web-projects as a new learning activity: structure, types, importance in FL teaching// Vestnik MSU, XIX, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, MSU. 2003. #3.
Titova S. Dynamic Syllabus as a Sample of ICT integration into teaching process// Materials of International Conference Russia vs West: Dialogue of Cultures. Moscow, 28-30 November 2001,Moscow. 2002.