Recent international conferences we took part in
Conferences |
Events |
Titova S. AI-based technical solutions in teaching foreign languages: analytical report. Plenary - II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Teaching Foreign Languages in an Open multicultural space", Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov Faculty of Foreign Languages and regional studies Department of Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages languages, Russia, December 1-2, 2023 |
Workshop – Digital Technologies for Standardized Exams Preparation (EGE) (S. Titova) |
Titova S. What are intelligent foreign language teaching systems. Plenary - II international scientific and practical conference "current issues of digitization linguistic education at university", Moscow State University, Russia, November 16-17, 2023 |
Plenary session - Mobile technologies in multicultural language learning (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Large Language Models in Foreign Language Teaching. 5th international scientific and practical conference Teaching foreign languages: modern problems and solutions, Higher School of Economics, Russia, November 6, 2023 |
Plenary session - Impact of digital technologies on learning/teaching process (S. Titova) Workshop – Designing interactive mobile environment for language learning (S. Titova) |
Titova S. How to effectively use digital technologies and neural networks to write essays in English language? XVIII All-Russian Festival SCIENCE 0+ in Moscow, Moscow, Russia, October 6-8, 2023 |
Workshop – Designing web tasks for developing communicative competence (S. Titova, I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. How to effectively use digital technologies and neural networks to write essays in English language? XVIII All-Russian festival NAUKA 0+, Moscow State University, Russia, October 6-8, 2023 |
Workshop - Designing Online Professional Development Courses for Language Teachers (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Artificial intelligence technologies in the study of foreign languages: opportunities and calls. Plenary - XVIII All-Russian festival NAUKA 0+, Moscow State University, Russia, October 6-8, 2023 |
Workshop – MOOC as a means of creating a collaborative learning environment in a blended CLIL course(S. Titova) |
Titova S. Didactic features of highly trained generative bots for the development of oral and written speech skills and language skills. III International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Communicative Codes in Intercultural space as a means of developing general humanitarian competencies of a generation” |
Session presentation-MOOC as a means of creating a collaborative learning environment. (S.Titova) |
Titova S. 2023 Generative pre-trained neural networks in teaching foreign languages. Plenary - Summer school "Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages in a multicultural environment", Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, May 19-20, 2023 |
Plenary session- Gamification in foreign languages teaching: a well-forgotten old or a new challenge? (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Developing students' collaborative and language skills through MOOC integration in CLIL. Scientific conference "Lomonosov Readings-2023". Section of linguistics, translation, regional studies and Intercultural Communication, Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, April 4-14, 2023 |
Session presentation – Wikis as a platform for interactive tasks in foreign language teaching (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Gamification in foreign language teaching: applications, tasks, online resources. XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Modernization of Foreign Language Education in transformational conditions”, Samara, Russia, March 25, 2023 |
Session presentation - Peer assessment in teaching foreign language writing skills (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Methodology of educational research. II Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Forum "Languages and Educational Technologies: innovative mechanisms of interaction", Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Foreign Languages and regional studies, Russia, March 25, 2023 |
Session presentation -The structure of tutor`s ICT competence in the area of new professional educational standards (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Neural networks in foreign language teaching: methods of integration and didactic opportunities. XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Modernization of Foreign Language Education in transformational conditions" Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Koroleva, Russia, March 24-25, 2023 |
Plenary session-Mobile technologies in multicultural language education: possibilities and perspectives ( S.Titova) Session presentation - Educational process activation by means of active and interactive teaching methods (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Innovative technologies in foreign language teaching. Teaching foreign languages in higher education, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, February 23-24, 2023 |
Plenary presentation-Modern tendencies in blended and distance learning of foreign languages ( S.Titova) |
Titova S. Subject-language integrated course: principles of development, features implementation. IV scientific and practical conference with international participation “Traditions and innovations in teaching foreign language at a non-linguistic university", Moscow, MGIMO, Russia, April 8-9, 2022 |
Session presentation - Practice of final English language assessment for science students in international format (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Subject-language integrated course: principles of development, features of implementation. Plenary - IV scientific and practical conference with international participation “Traditions and innovations in teaching foreign language at a non-linguistic university", Moscow, MGIMO, Russia, April 8-9, 2022 |
Session presentation-Mobile technologies in multicultural language education: possibilities and perspectives (S.Titova) |
Titova S. AI Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Creating Interactive Learning Environments. III international scientific and practical conference "Dialogue of cultures. Culture of dialogue: digital communications", Moscow, Russia, March 29 - April 6, 2022 |
Session presentation- The structure of tutor`s ICT competence in the area of new professional educational standards (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Quality of online foreign language learning today: online environment or online emergency? XXVII annual international scientific and practical conference “New Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching and Learning", Samara, Russia, March 28-29, 2022 |
Session presentation-Digital technologies for control and evaluation in language classroom. (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Pedagogical design of a digital textbook for teaching foreign languages: principles, structure, instruments. International student conference Issues of modern philology and theory of teaching foreign languages, State Social and Humanitarian University, Kolomna, Russia, March 23 - April 23, 2022 |
Session presentation-Gamification and game technologies in foreign languages teaching: tendencies and possibilities (S.Titova) |
Titova S. DEVELOPMENT of visual content for teaching foreign languages online: approaches, tasks, technical solutions. “Innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages in formal, non-formal and informal educational space: from theory to practice", Novosibirsk State University of Economics and management of NINH, Russia, January 27, 2022 |
Session presentation- Development and integration of audio-visual assignments in educational process: digital story and augmented reality (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Model of a subject-language integrated online course for the development of professional and analytical-cognitive skills. Plenary - “Innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages in formal, non-formal and informal educational space: from theory to practice", Novosibirsk State University of Economics and management of NINH, Russia, January 27, 2022 |
Session presentation - Mobile technologies for creating interactive environment in language classroom (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Competency Map for Foreign Language Teachers Today. Current problems of linguistics and linguodidactics in a non-linguistic university, Moscow, MSTU. N. E. Bauman, Russia, December 15-16, 2022 | Plenary - Massive online open courses in foreign language teaching (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Developing foreign language mediation: strategies, skills, techniques, tasks. Plenary - I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Teaching Foreign Languages in an Open multicultural space", M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, December 3-4, 2022 | Mobile technologies in multicultural language education (S.Titova) |
Titova S. Strategies for the development of analytical and critical skills in the language classroom, Plenary - Faculty of foreign languages and area studies, Summer School 2022 for school teachers within the framework of the MSU for schools program May 26-27, Moscow, MSU, Russia, May 26-27, 2022 |
Session presentation - Potential of mobile voting tools to design an interactive university lecture(S. Titova) |
Titova S. Requirements for the competence of a foreign language teacher in the context of digitalization education. Round table of WORLD SKILLS competency experts Teaching English at a distance format. World skills Russia. Moscow, world skills Russia, Moscow, Russia, April 29, 2022 | Workshop -Mobile technologies for creating interactive environment in language classroom (S. Titova) |
Titova S.Artificial intelligence technologies in interactive foreign language learning environment, Lomonosov readings 2022 section “Language, education and culture in the digital era: prospects for development and interaction", Moscow, MSU, Russia, April 19, 2022 |
Workshop - Gamification in language classroom: potential and perspectives (S. Titova) Session presentation - Typology of Wiki-based Interactive Tasks in Foreign Language Teaching (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Teaching speaking and critical thinking skills in a low-tech online environment: approaches, tasks, online instruments. NATE Online Conference Digital Change in the ELT |
Workshop - Mobile Testing Apps for Enhancing Language Skills(S. Titova) |
Titova S. Competency Map for Foreign Language Teachers Today. Plenary - Lomonosov readings 2021, MSU FYAR, Russia, April 26-28, 2021 |
Workshop -Digital Storytelling and Augmented Reality Projects in Language Classroom today (S. Titova) Session presentation – Development of speaking assessment criteria for biology students at B2 level (I. Kharlamenko) Final English language assessment (CEFR level B2) for Bachelor students of MSU Biological faculty (I. Kharlamenko, V.Nokhrina) |
Titova S. Model for assessing project assignments in a subject-language integrated course: stages, approaches, forms, online tools. Lomonosov readings 2021, MSU FYAR, Russia, April 26- 28, 2021 |
Plenary - Massive online open courses in foreign language teaching (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Using distance technologies in teaching foreign languages: blended learning – flipped classroom. III international scientific and methodological conference "Effective methods of teaching foreign languages: theory and practice", Moscow, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University, Russia, 21 April 2021 | Session presentation – Application of speaking assessment criteria and writing assessment criteria at the English language exam for biology students (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Structural and content gamification for the design of electronic educational textbooks FL. Plenary - All-Russian conference with international participation "Textbook as a tool of national-cultural self-determination of students", MSPU, Russia, April 20-24, 2021 |
Plenary - Massive online open courses in foreign language teaching (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Master class “Development of visual content for teaching foreign languages online: approaches, assignments, technical solutions”. II Interregional Pedagogical Forum “Teaching foreign languages and cultures - modern problems and solutions", Ussuriysk, Russia, March 25-26, 2021 |
Мастер-класс - Программы ДПО с использованием дистанционных и смешанных форм обучения (Титова С.В.) |
Titova S. Teaching oracy and critical thinking skills in a low-tech online environment. X Anniversary international scientific and practical conference “Teacher. Student. Textbook (in context global challenges of our time)", Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies of Moscow State University, Russia, November 19-20, 2021 |
Session presentation - Writing a collaborative essay? Is it as difficult as it sounds?! (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Textbook for the digital generation as an innovative teaching tool. Plenary - X Anniversary international scientific and practical conference “Teacher. Student. Textbook (in context global challenges of our time)", Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies of Moscow State University, Russia, November 19-20, 2021 |
Мастер-класс - Мобильные технологии в языковом образовании: возможности и перспективы (Titova S., Avramenko A.) Session presentation – Experience of using Macmillan practice online resources as a component of Macmillan English campus (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Teaching critical skills and speech fluency in a low-tech online environment: approaches, tasks, online instruments. Developing key 21-century skills through learning English: critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, Skyeng, Russia, November 12, 2021 |
Session presentation - Using wikis as a tool for educational process administration (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. “Development of critical thinking skills in students to prepare for project assignments promising model of the Unified State Exam: strategies, techniques, resources”. University environment Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies 2021, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies MSU, Russia, October 30, 2021 |
Plenary presentation -Mobile Learning in Language Classroom: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies (Titova S.) |
Titova S. Professional competencies of foreign language teachers: structure, approaches, documents. UMBRELLA NATE 2021 “Rethinking ELT in Russia: Theory and Practice”, State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, October 28-31, 2021 | Session presentation - Use of Mobile Testing System PeLe for developing language skills (Titova S.) |
Titova S. Augmented and virtual reality in foreign language learning today. Plenary - XVI All-Russian Science Festival "NAUKA 0+", Moscow, Russia, October 8-10, 2021 | Session presentation - The application of wikis in teaching writing skills (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Competency map for a foreign language teacher or what a teacher should know and be able to do 21 century? I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Languages and Cultures in the Global educational space", National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia, October 7-8, 2021 | Plenary session - Mobile Technologies for Developing Collaboration Skills (Titova S.) |
Titova S. Teaching oral and critical skills through simple online solutions. Plenary - Faculty of Foreign Languages and regional studies. Summer Schools 2021, MSU Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, June 10-11, 2021 |
Session presentation – Experience of writing a collaborative glossary by science students (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Electronic textbook for teaching foreign languages: digital copy of printed or innovative product? Plenary - I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Issues |
Interactive Environment as a model of ICT and Mobile Devices Integration (Avramenko) Session presentation - Difficulties tutors have in their professional activities (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Traditional and digital ways of providing feedback and reflection in language class. Plenary - 4th international conference “Problems of linguistics and linguodidactics in a |
Teaching Russian for Digital Natives (plenary, Titova, Avramenko) |
Titova S. Structure of ICT competence of a foreign language teacher. Innovative solutions for organising education in higher education, Moscow State Regional University, Russia, November 25, 2020 |
Mobile Assisted Formative Assessment: models of post-test activities (Avramenko) |
Titova S. Control and assessment in teaching foreign languages: trends and approaches. IIII international interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “language. Culture. Translation. Communication", MSU, Russia, October 26-27, 2020 | New Educational Standards: mobile competence of students and teachers in Russia (Avramenko) |
Titova S. Map of professional competencies of foreign language teachers today. Plenary - International Conference of the Goethe Institute Learning German - opening the world!, Goethe Institute, Russia, 17 October 2020 | Mobile Component of ICT Competence (Avramenko) |
Titova S. Control and feedback in the online course of teaching foreign languages, University environment for school teachers "Control and assessment in teaching foreign languages: trends and approaches", Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Moscow State University, Russia, October 3, 2020 |
Mobile Google (Avramenko) |
Titova S. Reflection and feedback in an online language class. University environment for school teachers "Control and assessment in teaching foreign languages: trends and approaches", Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Moscow State University, Russia, October 3, 2020 | Session presentation – How to use internet resources in the English language teaching (Macmillan Practice Online) (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Map of competencies of a foreign language teacher today: structure, assessment and development trajectories. Plenary - International scientific and practical conference of the NATE association Ivanovo State. University, Ivanovo State University, Russia, September 25-26, 2020 |
Mobile Technologies in Language and Culture Studies (workshop, Titova, Avramenko) Session presentation - Experience of using LASER materials in preparation to FCE exam: the first results (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Digital learning environment in the work of a teacher. International Forum City of Education, Moscow, Russia, August 29 - September 1, 2019 |
Session presentation - Mobile voting tools for creating collaboration environment and a new educational design of the university lecture (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Integration of video resources and applications into the preparation process for the unified state exam. Plenary - Summer school for foreign language teachers "Preparation for the Unified State Exam in an interactive learning environment", Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, August 27-28, 2019 |
Workshop - From traditional lectures to MOOC: a new curriculum model of a university lecture (S. Titova) Session presentations - Structure of ICT competence of Foreign Language Teachers (A. Lubomskaya); Mobile Testing App PeLe for control and peer evaluation (A. Avramenko) Experience of using LASER materials in learners’ preparation to FCE exam: the first results (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. Principles of creating and developing an online course for teaching a foreign language. Professional retraining in the field of teaching foreign languages: trends, methods and approaches, Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Russia, June 5, 2019 |
Plenary presentation - Developing ICT Competence of Foreign Language Teachers Today (S.Titova) Workshop - Mobile Technologies for developing language skills; Methodology of ICT integration in language classroom (S. Titova) Workshop - Creating virtual learning environment (A. Lubomskaya) |
Titova S. How to create and publish your online course? XXI International Conference "Russia and the West: Dialogue of Cultures", Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Russia, 31 May - June 1, 2019 | Session presentation - Mobile supported collaboration environment for developing learner language skills (S. Titova) |
Titova S. How to create an interactive learning space? Plenary - University environment for foreign language teachers “Workshop for English teachers: Interactive technologies in the language classroom", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, May 25, 2019 |
Plenary presentation - Mobile Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching: perspectives and challenges (S. Titova) Workshop - Use of mobile testing and voting apps for evaluation and control of language skills (S. Titova, A. Avramenko) Session presentation –Modern methodology of teaching word formation at 7th English form (I. Kharlamenko) |
Titova S. The use of MOOCs as a means of creating a collaborative learning environment in a blended CLIL course. The XXVth NATE Jubilee Convention and English Language Expo, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 17-19, 2019 |
Session presentation - Language Acquisition Through Mobile Technologies: A New Fad Or An Unavoidable Necessity? (S. Titova, T. Talmo, A. Avramenko) |
Titova S. Design of web tasks on electronic resources for teaching a foreign language. X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Language Education: Innovations, problems, solutions", Moscow, Russia, March 15, 2019 |
Plenary - Teaching 'Mobile natives': Challenges and Perspectives (S. Titova) Workshop - Mobile APPS to Enhance Class Interactivity and Assessment Student Response System (SRS) (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Using Google Classroom and other Google tools to quickly create an online environment for distance learning. A series of practical master classes for Moscow State University |
Workshop – Developing language skills through mobile tests and applications (S. Titova, A. Avramenko)
Titova S. The Pedagogical Potential of MOOCs for Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment. Pixel 2019 the Innovation in Language Learning International Conference, Florence, Italy, |
Session presentation -Teaching 'mobile natives' in Russia: challenges and perspectives (S. Titova) Session presentation – Methods of mobile technology implementation in language classrooms (A. Avramenko) |
Titova S. Mobile technologies in multicultural foreign language teaching. Scientific and practical conference Emikhovsky readings, Tyumen, Russia, November 7-8, 2019 |
Plenary presentation - New Challenges in Language Education Today (S. Titova) Section presentation - Mobile applications for language tests and tasks (A. Avramenko) |
Titova S. Gamification in foreign language teaching: a well-forgotten old thing or a new challenge?. Plenary - International scientific and practical conference "Innovations in teaching |
Session presentation - Teachers’ ICT competence development in the online course “Mobile technologies integration in language classroom” (S. Titova, A. Avramenko) |
Titova S. Methodology for developing visual content for distance learning courses. Current issues in the development of distance learning, Moscow, UNESCO IITE, Russia, October 3, 2019 |
Session presentation - Prerequisites of successful integration of mobile technologies into Foreign Language Teaching (S. Titova) Section presentation - LMS Moodle as a mobile platform (A. Avramenko) |
Titova S. Digital learning environment in the work of a foreign language teacher. International forum City of Education, Moscow, Russia, August 29 - September 1, 2019 |
Titova S. Teaching intercultural communication in the digital educational space. Second International Forum China and the Russian World: “Intercultural communication in a new era: theory and practice", Guangzhou, China, December 5-8, 2018 |
Titova S. Mobile learning environment for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Plenary - University environment for foreign language teachers “Digital technologies for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English language", Faculty of Foreign Languages and regional studies MSU, Russia, November 24, 2018 |
Titova S. Design of electronic resources for teaching a foreign language. IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Teacher, Student, Textbook", Moscow State University |
Session presentation -Online CourseICT Competence of Language Teachers: Strategies and Challenges (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Digital technologies and open educational resources for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Plenary - Strategies for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the digital educational space. Summer Schools for teachers Faculty of Foreign Languages and regional studies, MSU, Russia, August 28-29, 2018 |
Session presentation - Moodle for ICT competence development (S. Titova) |
Titova S. How to create your own virtual educational Through the Looking Glass? Plenary - Professional retraining of teachers and teachers of foreign languages: trends, methods. Faculty |
Session presentation -Online professional development course ICT Integration into Language Classroom for Foreign Language Teachers (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Kharlamenko I. Master class "Designing tasks for the development of communicative competence based on digital technologies”. II Interuniversity Scientific and Practical |
Session presentation -Web 2.0 Tools Integration into Language Classroom: methods and strategies (S. Titova) |
Titova S. Design of an interactive mobile environment for teaching foreign languages at a university. II international scientific congress " foreign philology. Social and national |
Session presentation-Developing FL Teachers' skills to Use E-tools for E-learning(S. Titova) |
Annual Science Festival, September 2011, MSU, Moscow
Workshop -Blogging for Learning not just for Fun (S. Titova) |
Neue Medien und Sprachenlernen, Goethe-Institut, March 24-26, 2011, Minsk, Belorussia |
Workshops - Blended Learning: Methods and Tools; Web 2.0 in Foreign Language Teaching (S. Titova) |
International Conference Languages in Open Society , October 19-20, 2010, Chernigov State Pedagogical University, Ukraine |
Plenary - The role of Visualization of Information in Foreign Language Teaching (S. Titova) ; workshop (S. Titova)
4th International Conference ICT in Foreign Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication, June 4-5, 2010, Moscow State University, Moscow
Plenary - Didactic, social and technological characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools (S. Titova) |
International Conference Foreign Languages today 2010: tendencies and Perspectives in Russian Education, 29 November- 1 December, Surgut State University, Russia
Plenary presentation - How to develop ICT competence of teachers; workshop New Computer Technologies in FLTeaching and Translation. (S. Titova) |
15th International NATE-Russia Annual Conference 2009, June 25-27, 2009, Kazan State Power University, Kazan, Russia |
Workshop - Teaching Literature and ICT: is there anything in common? (S. Titova) |
14th International NATE-Russia Conference Building Bridges with Languages and Cultures, June 26-28, 2008, Vladivostok, Russia
Workshop - Using Social Networking Sites and Services in FL Teaching. (S. Titova) |
JALTCALL 2008 International Conference, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Nagoya, Japan |
Session presentation - Social Networking Sites (blogs) in the Language Classroom (S. Titova) |
20th English Australia Education Conference Diversity: a Catalyst for innovation, September 13-15, 2007, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
TESOL Panelist - Teaching English in Higher Institutions in Russia: problems and perspectives (S. Titova) |