Lecture outlines + vocabulary lists
To succeed in the course, you will need to submit weekly your lecture outlines and vocabulary lists to our GOOLE file. During the lectures, note main ideas and concepts. Don’t copy mindlessly, try to paraphrase what you can, leave a recall column on the left, put there the most important facts, key ideas and facts. This notetaking method is called Cornell method Don’t forget to include some new words and terms after the summary section.
Midterm projects (mental maps of government branches)
Working in groups you have to visualize with the help on mental maps structure, powers, functions of one of the three branches of the U.S. Government. See examples
Tests (Midterm and final)
On a random basis over the course of the semester you will have a series of short-answer and multiple-choice tests on the readings and lectures. The purpose of the tests is to let me know which concepts are coming through well, and which ones I may need to go over again. The midterm test will count 20% and the final test will count 30% of the total course grade. The final test will cover the entire course, including all readings. Makeup exams can only be provided for absences documented and excused in advance (e.g., activities, illness).
The format of this course will be primarily lectures with occasional scheduled discussions on the readings. During this semester you will have to participate in one colloquium (discussion class). The discussions will focus on the assigned readings. Your active participation is an essential part of your grade. And the best way to feel confident to talk in class is to come prepared, having read and thought about the assigned readings on the syllabus.
Final project (Group presentations)
By November, 11 you have to be done with your presentation problems and your group members (fill in the table below). Before your brainstorming read some sources and articles on the chosen problem You will be presenting on 9 December. First, you have to choose one topic out of 10, second, you have to formulate the concrete problem.
Requirements: group members (3-5), 10-minute presentation, you should focus on one
concrete problem within the following topics:
1. The ethnic makeup of the U.S. population: tendencies, structure, legal acts, etc.
2. Immigration problems in the U.S.: past, present, future
3. High/Higher Education in the USA
4. Mass Media in the USA
5. The American System of Government
6. The President and the Executive Branch
7. The Judicial Process in the U.S.
8. Local and State governments. The Structure and Function of the Branches of Local Governments
9. Political Parties in the U.S.
10. Election System: Main Principles and Mechanisms
You can have a look at the samples of the Final presentations