Assignment #1. Oral presentation
Description: Each of you will sign up for a brief oral presentation (15 minutes), during which you will be responsible for leading the class discussion and presenting historical, social, cultural data that you've collected in your research on the chosen topic. After completing your research, create a Power Point Presentation illustrating the major points, include some visual materials such as pictures, schemes, diagrams, etc. The date of this presentation will be determined by the topic you sighed up for.
You have to sign up for a presentation be the end of the first week!
Assignment #2. Tests
During the course you'll have to take two multiple-choice and short-answer tests. The midterm test will count 10% and the final will county 20% of the total course grade. The final test will cover the entire course, including all readings. Makeup exams can only be provided for absences documented and excused in advance (e.g., activities, illness).