Peer Review
There is no question in how effective trained peer review can be to students, especially in high school and higher education. Wikis offer adequate selection of means to provide peer review:
1. Editing and adding comments to peer works using the “comments” feature that work similarly to ones in Microsoft Word.
2. Editing a peer contribution and comparing the before/after state with a wiki version control system.
3. Discussing overall quality of work on wiki discussion pages.
All three ways of feedback and review can be used within a solid wiki-based peer review framework that is subject to future development.
Learn more about Peer Review in writing:
Berbach S., Improving EFL Student’s Writing Through Trained Peer Review
Soares D.A., Using ‘Checklists’ to Train Students in Peer Revision in the EFL Writing Classroom
This list doesn’t exhaust the ways how to use wikis in education. However, today’s approaches in ICT in education suggest these ways as the most popular, widely tested and approved. Submit your ideas on how to use wikis in teaching and learning to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.