Dynamic syllabus and course authoring environment
A teacher can easily aggregate all course material in a wiki site to keep everything under control and in one place: lecture scripts, presentations, tasks, reading lists and more. A powerful wiki linking engine provides easy content management and quick organization of materials. Creating a course syllabus based on the resources already available in a wiki site is a very easy task, and since students can easily access the content online or via the school network, wikis could serve as a very reliable content authoring environment.
• A comprehensive course task list is an example of a syllabus
• A syllabus of a Regional Studies course at FFLAS MSU
Learn more about wiki authoring:
Tony Karrer, eLearning Authoring Tools is a collection of Tony’s posts related to authoring of digital learning resources, including authoring with wiki.
David Hopkins, Wikis: Ways to use them for a more Collaboration and Interaction is a outlook on wikis as a course authoring tool and a primary learning platform.