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Основные документы и речи

Archive of Presidential Speeches
Basic Readings in U.S. Democracy
Declaration of Independence
Constitution of the United States of America
Bill of Rights 
The Federalist Papers

География и регионы

An Outline of American Geography
From Sea to Shining Sea: Geography and Regional Characteristics
U.S. States and Territories

Современные демографические и иммиграционные тенденции в США

Thirty Years of the Refugee Act of 1980
FY 2010 Report to Congress on Refugee Admission
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
U.S. Refugee Admissions Statistics
Toward One America: A National Conversation on Race
The Urban Institute

Федерализм и правительства США

State and Local Government: Adapting to Change
State Government
Federal Grants to State and Local Governments: A Brief History
Federalism, State Sovereignty and the Constitution: Basis and Limits of Congressional Power
National versus State Government
U.S. Government Manual: 2004-05 Edition
About America: The Constitution of the United States of America With Explanatory Notes

Политические партии и выборы

Hoover to Roosevelt: Transition in a Time of Crisis
Transition: 2008 Presidential Campaign

Механизмы американской экономики

The Role of Government in the Economy. Outline of American Economy
Democracy, Governance, and the Market. J. D. Sullivan
Global Financial Trouble: Causes, Cures, Responses. Joel P. Trachtman
Revise Regulation: The Theory of Market Equilibrium Is Wrong. George Soros
Small-Business Innovation — A Role for Government. Charles W. Wessner

Система социального обеспечения

Historical Development
Social Security: Summary of Major Changes in the Cash Benefits Program
Lifting up the Poor: a Dialogue on Religion, Poverty and Welfare Reform
Understanding the Benefits
Supports for Low-Income Families: States Serve a Broad Range of Families through a Complex and Changing System
Welfare Reform Act of 1996 (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996)
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998
The Social Security Protection Act of 2003

Проблемы дискриминации

Rights of the People: Individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Statutory Language and Recent Issues
Americans with Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers
Toward Inclusion: Meeting the Needs of Persons with Disabilities in the U.S.
The Changing Roles of Women in the United States

Внешняя политика США на современном этапе

The Transformation of U.S. Nuclear Policy. J. Cirincione
Why the Stockpiles? J. Winkler
U.S.-Russia Balancing Act. D. Trenin
Megatons to Megawatts. A. Newman
Beyond Existing Treaties. R. Johnson

США после 11 сентября

George W. Bush Addresses the Nation, September 11, 2001
The Bush doctrine - January 2002, speech at a joint session of Congress
The New Strategic Framework - US-Russia initiative, May 2002

Свобода слова и роль средств массовой информации в жизни общества

An Unfettered Press
Freedom of the Press
Legal Foundations of Press Freedom in the United States
The Freedom of Information Act
The Privacy Act of 1974
Media & Ethics
Copyright Law of the U.S.
Digital Millenium Copyright Act
Telecommunications Act of 1996

Многообразие системы образования в США

Budget Summary and Background Information
The Condition of Education 2004
The Condition of Education 2004 in Brief
The Federal Role in Education
Organization of U.S. Education System
A Diverse Educational System
Education in The United States: Continuity and Change
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Charter Schools

Университеты и колледжи в США

America's Best Colleges
America's Best Graduate Schools
Peterson's Guide for International Students
Federal Student Aid: International Students
Paying for School: Financial Aid
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
International Education Service (IES)
Community Colleges in the United States
Educational Testing Service

Волонтерство и меценатство

The United States: A Nation of Volunteers
Volunteering in the United States
Giving: U. S. Philanthropy
Lifting Someone Else: Government Encouragement of Volunteer Efforts
Volunteerism on the Global Scene

Религия в США

The Roots of Religious Liberty
Religious Liberty in the Modern Era
International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
For Goodness Sake: Why so Many Want Religion to Play a Greater Role in American Life
Muslim Life in America 

Особенности деловой культуры США

How the Americans Combat Individualism by the Principle of Self-Interest Rightly Understood
Why the Americans are so Restless in the Midst of their Prosperity
Labor in America: the Workers’ Role
Karlgaard, Rich. "It's the Entrepreneurs, Stupid!" Forbes

Туризм в культурной, экономической и социальной жизни США

Rough Guides To Travel
U.S. National Parks by Type
World Heritage Sites in the United States
Disneyland Resort

Особенности бытового развития США

The Emerging 21st Century American Family
A Child's Day: Home, School, and Play (Selected Indicators of Child Well-Being)
Report on the American Workforce

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