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The format of this course will be primarily lectures with occasional scheduled discussions on the readings. During this semester you will have to participate in two colloquiums (discussion classes). The discussions will focus on the assigned readings. Your active participation is an essential part of your grade. And the best way to feel confident to talk in class is to come prepared, having read and thought about the assigned readings on the syllabus. Vigorous participation in the discussions (as contrasted with mere attendance) will constitute 20% of your course grade.


TOn a random basis over the course of the semester you will have a series of short-answer and multiple-choice tests on the readings and lectures. The purpose of the tests is to let me know which concepts are coming through well, and which ones I may need to go over again. The midterm test will count 10% and the final will count 20% of the total course grade. The final test will cover the entire course, including all readings. Makeup exams can only be provided for absences documented and excused in advance (e.g., activities, illness).

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